Our mission :
Offer women a professional service of accompaniment and support in their process of integration into the labor market, social integration and overall development;
Intervene to improve the conditions offered to women by the labor market.
Showcase your skills
through these three dimensions:

Dare to change your future
Half of working women in Quebec are found in 25 trades and professions. Yet there are thousands of them.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Their main professional choices are in office work, sales, health and education.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Certain skills associated with these jobs are considered to be part of the so-called feminine qualities and would have the effect of undervaluing wages.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The salary offered to women is often lower than that of men for comparable tasks.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The job market offers a wide choice of quality jobs in different fields regardless of your level of qualification.
Your know-how
It lies in the action. What you are able to do or have done at work, at home or as a volunteer.
Your knowledge
All your knowledge acquired through studies, work experience, hobbies and your life in general.
Your know-how
What you are, your personality, your attitudes and behaviors (judgment, initiative, autonomy, team spirit, stress management, clarity in communications, etc.).